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2023 Costa Rica Jiu Jitsu Retreat with Roy Dean

Level up from wherever you happen to be in just 90 minutes.

3 days of 4th degree black belt instruction.  

What you'll get:

Day 1:

No Gi Back Attacks (30 min)

Cross Step to the Back

Knee Pivot to Crucifix

Crucifix Roll to Omoplata

Arm in Guillotine

Big Man Roll

Outspin the Roll

Turtle to Armbar

Day 2:

Collar Chokes (36 min)

Palm Up Palm Up

Palm Up Palm Down

Scissor Sweep to Palm Down 

Palm Down to Knee Tap

Cross Choke to Hip Bump

Collar Drag from Butterfly

Self Defense Armlock

Collar Drag to Corkscrew Armlock

Flavio Canto Choke

Day 3:

Essential Sweeps (27 min)

Scissor Sweep

Ankle Pick to Armlock

Elevator Sweep

Trap and Roll to Shin Sweep

Armlock to Flower Sweep

Knee Bump to Knee Tap

Knee Bump to Hip Shovel

Ko Uchi Gake to Kneebar


Gi and No Gi. High percentage attacks, counters, and concepts that will change your performance on the mat.

Pay $5, or $25, or whatever you're feeling like.  Or nothing at all!